Monday, June 26, 2017

How to get away with Literally Anything

I'm not going to tell you that there's some magic thing you can do to start doing whatever the hell you want. I'm not going to preach nonsense at you in the form of this blog post. What I am going to do is give you different types of scenarios of ways you can get away with certain things in certain situations and then give you the key to being able to do it anytime, anywhere you want.

Are you ready? lets get started!

We will start with that wondrous thing that we continue to produce. Kids.  They have it so easy! especially now a days, they just have to whine and cry to get what they want. and not only are they not getting punished for acting in such ways, they're rewarded with whatever they were whining and crying about to begin with.  Don't freak out parents, I'm not calling out to everyone, in this case, but you know there are parents out there like this. 

But what I'm really talking about is kids with divorced parents. In these types of cases, the separated parents usually do very little communicating other than in concern for their child[ren]. Once they reach a certain age, and they can begin fending for themselves enough to get by, they can find these little loopholes where their parents don't check in. Telling one parent they're staying with the other  and telling the other parent their staying with the first and next thing you know they're out getting drunk at a college kegger. This isn't always the case, but that lack of communication is how a child/teenager can easily slip through the cracks and experience the freedom that is lack of guidance.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that all kids are out to get one for their own, but what I am saying is that it isn't difficult for a kid to get away with staying out late, saying what they want, doing what they want, and getting that experience of freedom before they get to adulthood.

In high school they also have the opportunity to get away with much much much more than adults. To elaborate more, you can easily get out of going to school by having you parent or guardian call in and "claim" that you're sick. Kids can take advantage of college classes in high school FOR FREE! why I didn't think about that when I was in high school is beyond me. I wasn't prepared for student loans, but kids can easily get away with knocking out a few college credits without having to break the bank! See the full list: 10 things you can get away with in High School - unfortunately for those who aren't in school anymore but these kids should revel in these victories.

Jumping to the other end of the spectrum, as an old person, you have chances to get away with things just for being old! I mean, think about it? Do you have someone in your family or close friends that falls into the elderly or older crowd?  Think about some of the thing they can get away with. They can literally say anything they want. From calling you fat, to being insensitively racist. Everyone will just assume that because they're old, they have forgotten where they are or how to act in public.

Old people can get away with any kind of driving. And I mean ANY kind! Say you're driving down the road and someone is going very, very slowly. When you go to pass you see it is an older gentleman. You'll usually just shrug it off just because their old, right? Say you see someone swerving all over the road, staying between the lines, but driving rather erratically. When you go to pass, you see its an older lady, sitting uncomfortably close to the steering wheel. You'll, most like again, shrug it off and assume that they should have gotten their license taken away years ago!

As a friendly, somewhat attractive female, I've often been the victim of the "creepy old dude", as I'm sure other young women of my age range have. You know who I'm talking about! The older guy that makes any sort of advance your way maybe its an inappropriate arm around you, touching your forearm, grabbing your hand, saying something inappropriate, winking [which is the worst, in my opinion], or any other thing that makes a common female feel uncomfortable.  Despite the fact that you are entirely creeped out and want to be friendly and nice, THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH IT!! Believe me, they know that they're creepy; they know that they're being inappropriate; but they know that they can get away with it! Which is why they do it. We all know its not intentional. Most older men just want to express some sort of flirtation. A type of flirtation that is being built up inside because the lack of opportunity around while they're surrounded by other living fossils. It happens to a lot more women than you would think. If you ever wanted to know why, someone has broken it down! MADAMENOIR has an article to depict exactly why you're attracting creepy old men.

"First things first: Why are many women uncomfortable by the advances of a much older man? After recently reading Omar Tyree’s Dirty Old Men, I came across two very important points from a very informative and entertaining book: For one, there’s nothing that wrong with a man high in age still having a libido. Still recognizing beauty, and if not married, still trying to pursue it openly. Just cause you get older doesn’t mean you won’t be interested in sex, and there’s obviously something forbidden and exciting about fresh meat to a man, right?  Then two, even if you understand the need for older folks to pursue a sex life, you don’t want to think about it, and when you do, it’s just gross. Especially if they might want to have a sex life with you. Point blank, if you’re not looking to entice “Big Poppa,” than the strong flirtations are unwanted. But mostly,...."

[Read the full article here!]                              
The last thing I want to focus on with the older generation is how just about every old person alive can get away with having that "old person smell". You know, that smell that makes you gag, but you can't express any sort of reaction to it without being impolite! Breath through the mouth. Don't you always chalk it up to them just being old? "It's just their nature!" "All old people smell!" But my question is, when is the age that all of these things are considered acceptable? when do you reach an age where you're "old" enough to be considered old?  That, my friends, is an unknown mystery.
20 Things Old Geezers Will Always Get Away With and You Can't - from Rant Now

Have you ever thought about how lucky women are when it comes to getting away with stuff? I mean, seriously! Women can get out of paying for drinks, they can get away with getting pulled over, driving in general, opening doors, having feelings, avoiding actual hard work, crying all the time, groping inappropriately, talking with random children, being a sugar baby, dating younger people, pouting, not having a job, sexual harassment of any kind, basically any crime [assault, blackmail, fraud, statutory rape, just about anything that would go through the court system that would send men to prison, women would get probation...or less], and not to mention all the things they can get away with when they're pregnant!!  Think about it. Women can go through any mood they want when they're pregnant and blame it on being pregnant. 
Example. I'm hungry because I'm pregnant.
I'm happy because I'm pregnant.
I'm emotional because I'm pregnant.
I'm irritable because I'm pregnant.
I have to pee a lot because I'm pregnant.
I'm miserable because I'm pregnant.
I'm crying because I'm pregnant.
I'm tired because I'm pregnant.
Need I go on? I think I've made my point. Though, to be fair, when a woman is pregnant it really is a hardship throughout the entire process of baby building, so some of these are just major courtesies expressed by society. But what pregnant woman going through essential hell wouldn't take advantage of any of these opportunities? I admit that I would. [if I were ever to get pregnant] 
Things Women Get Away With That Men Can’t - Viral Vinny
Annoying things only Hot women can get away with - The Clever

Sorry guys, your Y chromosomes are just too much for you to get away with much anything else. But what can guys get away with that women cant? You may not have as many things, guys, but there are few victories that you can revel in. For one, your wardrobe in general. you can get away with going around town in sweats and everyone will assume you're just having a relaxed day, whereas women will get the assumption we're having an emotional breakdown. Men can wear the same outfit more than once in a week. Men can get away with skipping a shave and it just makes them look sexy. Women skip a shave and we look like tree people! What about wardrobe malfunctions? you can readjust and nobody thinks twice about it. A woman tries to readjust and it looks like we have a disease. Not to mention Men can burp and fart in public and its "just what guys do". If a woman were to try to do either of those things in public, she'd be labeled 'not girlfriend material' and be forever alone. Men are allowed swear like sailors, but for a women, its unheard of and un-ladylike.   Men can literally pee anywhere they want to. As a woman, I can tell you how difficult it is to attempt to pee anywhere but inside a designated toilet, not to mention what sort of looks we would get if ever caught.  Men can get away with getting aggressive; including anything from road rage to bar fights, its just something that guys do. See a woman doing that and she's labeled with 'anger issues'.
Men don't have it easy, but they do have some silver linings in their gender.

I won't go into much detail when it comes to what the government can get away with but I will leave you with a links that will take you to a some articles where you can read up on it. I've never really been much for a political advocate but I understand the need for the government and laws and what not. but what this article depicts can honestly blow your mind.

How To Get Away With Almost Anything - How evildoers benefit from the world's ADD from Foreign Policy.
19 Evil Things Rich People and Corporations Get Away With  from Cracked
13 Things the Gov't Is Trying To Hide From You from Salon
Oh, The Things This Gov't Gets Away With! from Kaietiur News
4 Things Congress Can Get Away With, But You Can't  from Yahoo! Finance

Now, I'm not saying that all of these are 100% accurate and I'm also not saying that 100% of these are all conspiracy theories. But wouldn't it be fascinating to see the full blown side of the spectrum if they were all fact or fiction? Just some things to consider for people who aren't involved with the government.

But speaking of the government, doesn't that directly associate with different laws and guidelines that we must, as civilians abide by? Well, there are ways to get around the law. and its a little ridiculous!

For example, you can legally give away your adopted children on the internet. WHAT?! To normal people, it sounds a lot like 'Child Trafficking', but to congress, its considered 'Private Re-Homing'.  It doesn't go to anyone's surprise that parents found on the internet aren't always grade A parents. The process of re-homing is cheaper and less time-consuming than formal adoptions, which require background checks, home inspections and training. Often the transfers are completed with nothing more than a notarized power of attorney. Unfortunately, since there are no uniform regulations for private re-homing, children risk being transferred to abusive families. If you're not ready for the child and what may or may not come with them, don't be selfish. Don't just pawn them off on the next open person.

Have you heard about the Private Nudity Laws?  Basically the difference is, there's public nudity, which is anywhere in society. Then there's private nudity, which is where you can be naked in your own private property that you own. I mean, legally, no cop can stop someone from standing in their open doorway naked. And that's just what a North Carolina man from exercising that right.  Even in Topeka, Kansas, there is a law that states that you can walk around in public naked, as long as you don't show any signs of arousal on themselves, or any indication that they're attempting to arouse anyone else, its perfectly legal.

Indiana has a Religious Freedom law, which, among other things, has allowed businesses to discriminate in many different ways. Religious organizations are exempt from taxes, which is a huge benefit for people who hold high titles within churches. As long as you can prove that what you have is an actual religion, you can start a religion of just about anything! At this time, there is a Church of Cannabis that was started after this law was passed. They are currently, under the new law, they will be able to claim "reefer" is an essential part of their religious practices and thus free from government interference. Meaning that they can grow and smoke illegal substances because that is what the religion depicts as part of the teachings.  Doesn't that just make you want to jump into the sack with god?

There are a lot of legal loopholes, I recommend if you're trying to get past the legal system, that you check out these links as well! 9 Legal Loopholes ; 10 Legal Business Loopholes ; 10 Legal International Loopholes That You Shouldn't Tell Criminals ; 6 Legal Loopholes That Are Often Exploited ; 15 Unbelievable Legal Loopholes

We even have a television show called "Getting Away With Murder". From all the different crime shows out there, if you actually studied all of them, you could easily figure out a logical way around the law, or at least around getting caught with whatever you're doing to break said law. Which is almost frightening that 'entertainment' is giving crazy people the answers they need to complete their disturbing acts.

Up to this point, I've given you examples of scenarios where you can do what you want given the right scenario or circumstance. But now I'm going to show you how you, yes you, can do whatever the heck you want, whenever you want.

I’m about to give you a license to do whatever the fuck you want. I’m serious. Here, take it. I grant you the right, by the powers vested in me by whatever. Go nuts. What do you mean, you don’t want it? Oh, I’m not authorized to hand out such licenses? Wait, you’re saying that NOBODY has this kind of license to give out? That it doesn’t exist? That I’ve gone mental? But then, why do you kiss ass so hard with *her* or *him* in the hope of getting a license? Don’t act coy: I know you do. You try to make the girls (and the boys) like you, so they finally let you do what you want. I know you do because I know you’re just like me.

*not my testimony*
A while ago, I met a guy through friends. He was a ‘pick-up artist’, a student of the techniques of seduction. I had heard of this so-called ‘seduction community’ and was interested in meeting a real PUA. I clearly remember the first time I saw him. He was talking to a group of girls, they were all laughing, and I saw him smack one on the ass. When I met him, I asked him about it. He responded with: “I just met her… I couldn’t have done that a few weeks ago, I’m just starting to get good at this stuff.” And I realized that had always been my deep desire: I wanted to be about to smack a girl on the ass, and do whatever else I wanted, and just get away with it. So from that day, I became a protege of my new ass-spanking friend.
*end of testimony*

I wanted this freedom. I wanted this license. I was asking, what can I do to get people to give me this license?
But I was ignoring another, deeper question: what was stopping this PUA friend from smacking that ass a few weeks ago? Was his hand broken? Was he a completely different person? What was the REAL difference? I suppose I didn’t ask that question because I thought the answer was obvious. After all, when people like you, when you have their love and respect, you can get away with things.

You can pull things off. It could be something as simple as going out wearing a fedora: if people like you, you’re ‘unique’; if they don’t like you, you’re ‘a dick’. If you’re with friends, you have the ‘halo effect’ on your side. This is an observed effect in psychology wherein if someone is perceived as ‘good’, everything he does is assumed to be good. He can smack her ass. He can sing. He can swear. He can dance. He can flirt. And it’s all good. You can do crazy shit, and it will be seen as funny (not crazy). You can try bizarre things and you’ll be seen as ballsy (not bizarre). That is why I wanted to be liked. If people like you, they’re giving you a license that says: “Do what the fuck you want. You’ve earned this license, and we will support you, without judgment.”

When I had this, I felt completely free. The problem is, as we’ve seen, this whole license metaphor starts sounding really stupid pretty quickly, once you look into it… Some licenses are only applicable in certain social circles. My mates gave me this kind of license (but how many more licenses do you need to cover every other scenario in your life?). Some licenses have small print on them: it’s not a gold class license, so I can do what I want *only* up to a point (my family gave me one of these). Some people will probably never give me the license – either they don’t have the license to give in the first place (perhaps they never
received their own license)……or maybe they’re the kind of person who expects you just to take the license without asking. Perhaps they hope you will.

How long are you going to wait for your license?  And when you finally receive the license, will it be conditional? Will it be revoked if you go too far with it? Will you know how to use it, or will you have waited so long that you don’t know how to do whatever you want anymore? I think you get the idea. In laments terms: nobody else can really give you permission to do what you want. You have to give yourself permission first. Sure, people can react badly to you. Not everyone is going to like you. You can get fired, dumped, judged or rejected – but is that anything new? And here’s the twist: the best way to avoid these things is to go ahead and print your own license anyway. What do you think of men who do whatever they want? They’re described as bad-asses, real men, strong people, driven, confident, etc. And do women like this type of man?

The irony is delicious.
All I wanted was to get away with it, to pull it off. And it seems that no matter which way you look at it, it all starts and ends with me.

So lastly, I want to reach out to those of you that are against doing what you want, when you want. Those of you that would, tattle on someone for getting by the easy way. Those of you who harbor resentment for those that seem to not have to work towards things because they're big and bold. Those of you who retaliate for reason that don't even effect you to start with.  I'm not going to go too far into this, but just ask a simple question.  Why are you angry? Why can you not be one of these people? Is it morals, or just your lack of nerve to get yourself to this level? Whatever it may be, I encourage you to read this article. It goes in depth on acceptance of other people and their decisions.
People Who Get Away With Things: Why Be Angry? It comes from Psychology today, written by a Ph.D. named Mary C Lamia. If you can't bring yourself to be one of use who does whatever we want, please become on that has accepted that that is what we will do.

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