Thursday, June 29, 2017

Ish My brrday! To Celebrate or not to Celebrate? That is the question.

Well, for those of you who aren't aware, today is my birthday!! I turn the big 27. Have you heard about numbers that represent something? The first time I heard about it, it was for anniversaries. You  know, like the 10th anniversary is a diamond and the 30th anniversary is a pearl. That sort of thing. 

It's almost associated with the study of numerology. The numerology number 27 is about philanthropy and compassion in a cooperative atmosphere. The number 27 is a wonderful number. The energies it represents makes the number kind hearted, tolerant, intelligent, a team worker, and so very much wanting to see humanity better off than it is. 27 endeavors to inspire others to support humanitarian groups and organizations, using its diplomatic skills and enticing them with a vision of an ideal. The groups and organizations are carefully chosen for their effectiveness.  A sense of fulfillment for 27 comes with others adopting its sense of idealism and actively helping to achieve that end.
The deep down basic essence of the numerology number 27 is philanthropy and compassion. A cooperative atmosphere is much preferred. To better understand the essence of 27, let's have a look at its composition and the number it is reduced to. The number 27 is composed of the digits 2 and 7 and then is reduced to the single digit 9:

2 + 7 = 9

Thus, the essence of the numerology number 27 contains the essence of the individual digits 9, 2, and 7.The digit the number is reduced to always has more force or capacity than the digits of the number being reduced. The relative amount each contributes to the whole could be represented by this graph:

Thus, the 27 essence contains
  • the 9's essence, such as being non-judgmental, humanitarian, and tolerant, plus a generous dose of the 2's essence, such as cooperation, relationships, and diplomacy, and a dose of the 7's essence, such as introspection, study, and spirituality.
The result is a unique essence.                                                       
* * * * * * * * * *
Now, the idea behind numbers actually meaning something is fun in theory, but it doesn't say anything about me as a person. I can tell you that I'm kind hearted, tolerant, intelligent, and all those things previously mentioned adjectives; and most of them I am. But I am not those things solely because I am now this age. I've been those things for many years of my life, not just today.
Birthdays only come around once a year, for most of us. But for Pharaohs in ancient Egypt, they were considered to transform into gods at their coronation, leading to that date being much more significant than that of their own earthly birth. In turn helping them receive two special days of celebration. Those lucky Pharaohs, not only leading entire civilizations, but also getting two "birthdays"!? As luck would have it, they were also trendsetters because the first known documentation of a "birthday" was for a Pharaoh. (around 3000 B.C.E.)

Those Egyptian leaders got to party with the gods, but for those less fortunate, we just get a more personalized type of party. The traditional style of celebrating is with cake and candles, right? But why do we blow out candles on our birthday? Some believe that the candles were a response to the evil spirits. They show up to communicate with the gods. A light, in the darkness.

For others it symbolizes a new year of living. The flame is represents "the light of life". Not to imply that when blown out that your inner light is dead, but to more mean that the end of the flame is the beginning of the next step in life. Everyone needs to be reminded of the flame inside all of them. The things that they love, the things that make them happy. This is where personalized birthday parties came from. We celebrate with what we love to continue to feel something.  Isn't that what we all need? Something to remind us of how it feels to feel something. That warm fuzzy feeling that ensues when you blow out the candles and everyone sings you the happy tune.

But did you ever wonder where that song came from? I was a little surprise to find that it was more of a "stolen" tune.  In 1893, Patty Hill and Mildred J. Hill wrote a song they called, “Good Morning To All,” which was intended to be sung by students before classes began. The song eventually caught on across America, giving rise to a number of variations. Robert Coleman eventually published a songbook in 1924, adding a few extra lyrics that would quickly come to overshadow the original lines. The new rendition became the version we now all know, “Happy Birthday To You.”

         Original Lyrics                                                                                                             Remix        
Good Morning To All,                                                                                      Happy Birthday to you,
Good Morning To All,                                                                                      Happy Birthday to you,
Good Morning, dear (NAME),                                                                Happy Birthday, Dear (NAME),     
Good Morning To You!                                                                                   Happy Birthday to you!

I think everyone has their own version of Happy birthday with different notes and chords.  There are even more renditions for instrument only type songs. For example, the saxophone can give this tune a very jazzy feel, whereas a cello has the opportunity to give it a much more classical vibe.


If you ask me, my favorite of all renditions that I've heard is from Futurama. Trying to show that that's how the future would sing it. But how would they know? I don't think they would, but it is an interesting version, that's for sure.

I'm spending my birthday alone for the most part, not by choice. But it will be more on the luxurious side in which I am certainly not complaining. I get to sleep in, in a king size bed, in a fancy hotel with an amazing French toast breakfast followed by a rigorous bout at the fitness center.  Or at least that was the plan. Ha!  

Honestly, its just nice to not be at work. In the past, I have experienced what normal people would call a "quarter-life crisis". But what exactly is the crisis with having a birthday? I think its more about a realization. A realization that your everything that you originally wanted to accomplish in your life by the time you get to the whatever age you're turning. Do you ever notice that when people do this, they're comparing themselves to others? 

Why do we do this?  Its not like its helping anyone. How others have lived their lives shouldn't have any effect on how you live your life. Your choices are your choices and the consequences of those choices don't always necessarily have to be negative. Keep that in mind before you start to freak out about whatever you have, or haven't, done.  These feelings will subside and eventually you'll either do something to send you in the direction you thought you were meant for, or you'll stop feeling this way. Moral of the story, Stop worrying about where you are in life right now, and start thinking more about what is happening right now. With that, I choose to enjoy my birthday. Have a good one everyone!

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